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Scholarship Applications Available!

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Dr. R Eugene Jackson Theatre Scholarship (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
Recipients shall be enrolled at the University of Memphis and shall be...
Varies Dr. Richard C. Parker First Generation Endowed Scholarship Fund (Student Academic Success)
1. Shall be used for First Generation students at the University of...
Varies Dr. Robert R Marchini Scholarship in Physics (College of Arts and Sciences)
Award shall be given to: 1. Deserving and qualified students at the UOM...
Varies Dr. Roger Hiatt Pre-Med Studies Schlp (College of Arts and Sciences)
1. Recipient shall be enrolled at the University of Memphis and pursuing...
Varies Dr. Roger S. and Mary E. LaBonte Scholarship (Bruns) (School of Public Health)
1. To provide a scholarship restricted to undergraduate students 2. Who...
Varies Dr. Russell A Jones Memorial Scholarship (College of Arts and Sciences)
1 Recipients shall be rising seniors, majoring in chemistry, Biology,...
Varies Dr. Sharon Van Oteghen Undergraduate Book Scholarship (College of Health Sciences)
1. Undergraduate Junior or Senior 2. Declared major in the School of...
Varies Dr. Shirley C Raines Scholarship (General)
Awards shall be given to Full Time undergraduates who are: 1. Residents...
Varies Dr. Sidney J McKay Fellowship (Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music)
The recipient of this fellowship shall be a Full-Time graduate student...
Varies Dr. Timothy F. Goldsmith Scholarship (Lambuth Campus)
The gift will be used for the following purpose: 1. For admitted...
Varies Dr. Virginia M Norton and Dan Norton Scholarship (College of Arts and Sciences)
To be eligible to apply for any of the Department of Biological Sciences...
Varies Drs. Sunita & Manoj Jain Education Scholarship
Scholarship for one first-generation and/or Pell-eligible, incoming...
Varies E A Hamilton Firefighters (College of Professional & Liberal Studies)
Recipient shall be: 1. A fire fighter or dependent of a fire fighter. 2....
Varies E I Crawford/Delta Sigma Pi (Fogelman College of Business and Economics)
1. Minimum cumulative 2.25 GPA. 2. Full-time student in good standing in...
Varies E Taylor & Mary Richardson (General I)
This award(s) shall be given to students who: a. are preferably...
Varies East Asian Studies Scholarship (College of Arts and Sciences)
Eligibility open to all undergraduate students who are currently...
Varies Education That Works Scholars Program
The recipients of this scholarship shall be enrolled at the University...
Varies Edward B Orio Memorial Scholarship (Student Academic Success)
Award shall be given to a student who is an active member in good...
Varies Edward C. Gray Memorial Scholarship (College of Health Sciences)
Scholarships for full-time undergraduate juniors and seniors in...
Varies Edward G & Bernice A Humphreys Fellowship (General)
Undergraduates and Graduates may apply. Recipients must have a...
Varies Elba Gandy Memorial Music (Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music)
1. Music major
Varies Eleanor O'Neil (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
For students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree and: 1....
Varies Eleanor O'Neil (Marketing) (Fogelman College of Business and Economics)
For students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree and: 1....
Varies Elizabeth & Harold Robinson Education Scholarship (College of Education)
1. Can be undergraduate or graduate student. ...
Varies Elizabeth & Harold Robinson Scholarship (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
1. Can be undergraduate or graduate student ...
Varies Elizabeth C Phillips Memorial (College of Arts and Sciences)
Preference shall be given to: 1. Preference will be given to a student...
Varies Ellen Davies-Rodgers Educational Fund (College of Education)
Recipient shall be enrolled at the University of Memphis and: ...
Varies Ellison Scholarship Fund (General)
1. To provide scholarships for undergraduate students 2. With a...
Varies Elvis Presley Endowed Scholarship for Communications (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
1. Demonstrate financial need. 2. Demonstrated academic merit.
Varies Elvis Presley Endowed Scholarship for Music (Rudi E. Sheidt School of Music)
For a student majoring in Music. 1. Demonstrate Financial need. 2....
Varies Elvis Presley Endowed Scholarship for Theatre (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
For a student majoring in Theatre. 1. Demonstrate Financial need. 2....
Varies Emalie Appleton Brooks Memorial Endowed Scholarship (College of Arts and Sciences)
1. This award shall be given to a JR or SR undergraduate student 2....
$5,500.00 Emerging Leaders Scholarship (Student Academic Success)
The Emerging Leaders Scholarship is awarded to in-state and out-of-state...
Varies Eric Melkent Scholarship (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
The recipients of this scholarship shall be enrolled at the University...
Varies Ernest C Ball (College of Education)
1. Pursuing career in Early Childhood Education. 2. Selection made based...
Varies Ernest W Pegram Business Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business and Economics)
The award shall be made to student(s) meeting the majority of the...
Varies Ethel Lewis (Fogelman College of Business and Economics)
1. Shall be a junior or senior Resident of Shelby County, Tennessee. 2....
Varies Ethel T Maxwell Voice (Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music)
1. Voice majors in the applied music degree program (includes opera...
Varies Eunice B Ordman Scholarship (College of Education)
1. A graduate or undergraduate who has been admitted to the Teacher...
Varies Exceeding Excellence Endowed Scholarship (Student Academic Success - Multicultural Affairs)
The gift will be used for the following purpose: To provide a...
Varies Exchange Club E Mphs/A Shackelford (Student Academic Success - General)
1. Recipients shall be hard of hearing or deaf. 2. Enrolled as full-time...
Varies FCBE Alumni Chapter Undergraduate Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business and Economics)
Need based scholarship to be awarded to an undergraduate student at FCBE...
Varies Ferris Hooshmand Scholarship Award (Fogelman College of Business and Economics)
1. Recipients shall be enrolled at UOM and maintain 3.0 min. in first...
Varies First Scholars Hearst Foundation Fund (Student Academic Success)
1. To help more first-generation students earn a college degree 2....
Varies First Tennessee Foundation Emerging Leaders (Student Academic Success)
This award(s) shall be given to University of Memphis students who are...
Varies Fisher-Maher Memorial (General)
1. Undergraduate classification. 2. Minimum cumulative 2.80 GPA. 3....
Varies Flora Rawls (General)
1. Freshmen recipients must have been in the upper half of their high...
Varies Fordjour Family Arts Scholarship (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
Annual scholarship for undergraduate students, including incoming...
Varies Frances Falls Austin (College of Communication and Fine Arts)
1. Student pursuing an undergraduate degree in Art within CFA...
Varies Frances Ina Stewart Davies (College of Professional & Liberal Studies)
1. Shall be enrolled at the University of Memphis. 2. Pursuing a degree...