Schadt Foundation, Inc. Book Fund (Student Academic Success - General)

Recipients shall be enrolled at the University of Memphis and shall participate in TRIO. The Book Fund stipends will be deposited in the University of Memphis Book Store and restricted to the use of the selected recipients and may be used for academic supplies only.

1. Must be an active University of Memphis TRiO participant
2. Must be an undergraduate student enrolled in a minimum of 15 hours
3. Must have a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. to be considered for selection
4. Must be in academic & judicial good standing with The University of Memphis
5. Must have completed a TRiO Individual Success Plan
6. Must have met with SSP Counselor a minimum of 3 times per semester
7. Must have attended at least 3 SSP Workshops per semester

Supplemental Questions
  1. TRIO program
    • Are you an active University of Memphis Student Support Services participant?
    • Have you attended at least 3 TRIO Workshops per semester?
    • Have you completed a TRiO Individual Success Plan?
    • Have you met with your TRIO Counselor a minimum of 3 times per semester?
  2. Please upload your resume.
  3. Please provide a personal statement as to why you are applying for this scholarship. Include any pertinent information about financial need, your family situation, and any other special information we should consider. Additionally, provide a list of all applicable extracurricular activities you feel should be considered. Ensure you include involvement with on and off campus organizations which have helped your personal and professional growth.