STRONG RN (Loewenberg College of Nursing)
The Loewenberg College of Nursing (LCON) is able to offer Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS) with funds provided by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Applicants must meet the federal criteria as being from a disadvantaged background and demonstrate exceptional financial need.
Under the SDS Program, scholarships are awarded by eligible entities to any full-time student who is an eligible individual as defined by the statute in Section 737(d)(2) of the PHS Act. The definition of eligible individual means an individual who:
A. is from a disadvantaged background;
B. has a financial need for a scholarship; and
C. is enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) at an eligible health professions or nursing school as a full-time student in a program leading to a degree in a health profession or nursing.
Citizenship. A student receiving support from grant funds must be a citizen or national of the United States, or a lawful permanent resident of the United States, or a foreign national having in his/her possession a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States, or a non-citizen national.
Financial Need. Financial need is determined only by the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Award Amount. The amount of a scholarship may not exceed a recipients cost of tuition expenses, other reasonable educational expenses and reasonable living expenses incurred in attendance at the health professions or nursing school. The maximum award for scholarship (tuition & books) plus living stipend is $18,000 per academic year (fall & spring semesters only).
- Award
- Varies
- Deadline
- 05/15/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- Standard Question
- Please provide a personal statement as to why you are applying for this scholarship. Include any pertinent information about financial need, your family situation, and any other special information we should consider.
- Please upload your resume.
- Are you enrolled in our BSN degree program, or our RN to BSN degree as a Full-Time (at least 12 credit hours) student, or our RN to BSN degree as a Part-Time (at least 6 credit hours) student?
- Are you currently serving in the US Armed Forces?
- Are you a veteran of the US Armed Forces?
- Disadvantaged background means an individual comes from an educationally/environmentally OR economically disadvantaged background. Educational Disadvantage. Graduated from low-performing high school, as determined by states Department of Education (i.e. high has low overall SAT/ACT score, low per capita funding, enrolled student eligible for free or reduced lunch, etc.). Enviromental Disadvantage. For example, but not limited to first-generation college student, etc. Economic Disadvantage. Family income below federal povery guidelines, as determinted by FAFSA data. Additional documentation may be requested to verify eligiblity.
- Are you a First Generation college student?
- 2020 Household family size
- 2020 Tax filing status
- 2020 Annual Household Income
- Can you be claimed as a dependent?
- 2020 Parental Annual Household Income
- Are you currently enrolled in the Loewenberg College of Nursing, in good academic standing, and received the STRONG RNs scholarship for the previous 2021-2022 academic year?
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- Standard Question