Shelby Glisson Memorial Nursing Scholarship (Loewenberg College of Nursing)

This scholarship is being created to support Nursing students who have had to overcome a medical adversity to attend Nursing School at the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus.

Award recipient must be:
1. A current or admitted student of UofM Lambuth (may be a transfer student)
2. Pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Nursing
3. In good academic standing
4. Making continued progress toward a degree in Nursing
5. Preference will be given to students with or who has had medical adversities. (If no student applies with medical adversity, should be awarded to the student who meets the rest
of the criteria. The name of the medical adversity shall be provided to the donor but no the student’s name.)
6. Financial need may be considered.
7. Scholarship shall be awarded in two equal installments (Fall and Spring) each year.

The student must sign a disclosure:
“I, the above-named student, do hereby authorize the University of Memphis (”University") and/or its employees to release o the Donor and award committee my information concerning my specific health diagnosis. I acknowledge that i am voluntarily providing this information with respect to my application for the Shelby Glisson Memorial Scholarship. I may revoke this consent in writing at any time by sending such authorization to the University Office of Advancement with which i originally gave my written consent. I also acknowledge and agree that any disclosure of records and/or information made prior to my written revocation shall not constitute a violation of my right to privacy under federal and state law."

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you enrolled at the University of Memphis Lambuth campus?
  2. Please provide a personal statement outlining any medical adversity you have or had to overcome to attend Nursing School a the University of Memphis Lambuth campus.