Commercial Advisors Partners Finish Line Scholarship (Fogelman College of Business and Economics)

Recipients shall be enrolled at the University of Memphis and shall be selected in accordance with the following criteria:
The Commercial Advisors Partners Finish Line Scholarship is intended to help FCBE students who need financial resources to complete their degree. These students are typically in their final semester(s), have exhausted other sources of funding, have financial need, and generally do not qualify for other merit-based funding. The criteria are intended to remain as flexible as possible so as not to prevent a deserving student from receiving these funds, but provided some guidance regarding the intended recipients. The overall mission for this fund is to help these students finish their degree and be productive citizens after graduation, with a preference given to those students intending to reside in Memphis after graduation. A committee appointed by the Dean of the FCBE will select the recipients. The selection process shall be coordinated through the University’s Scholarship Office.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload your resume.
  2. Are you intending to reside in Memphis after graduation?
  3. Please provide a personal statement as to why you are applying for this scholarship. Include any pertinent information about financial need, your family situation, and any other special information we should consider. Additionally, provide a list of all applicable extracurricular activities you feel should be considered. Ensure you include involvement with on and off campus organizations which have helped your personal and professional growth.